Lyricist Héctor Marcó was the frequent songwriting partner of Carlos Di Sarli, and wrote a long list of songs made famous by the maestro’s orchestra. Teaming up with bandoneonist Graciano Gómez, he produced this sentimental 1945 number “Tu íntimo secreto”—a follow-up to the same duo’s giant 1943 hit “Esta noche de luna.”

Note: To improve this lyric’s presentation a bit, I have arranged the lines below to reflect the singing rhythms.

Your Innermost of Secrets

(Tr. Jake Spatz)
YouTube: Carlos Di Sarli with Jorge Durán

True bliss is like a castle
With a bridge made out of glass,
Go walking ever softly
If you wish to safely pass.
Just bring your lips in closer,
No hatred, and no grudge;
Just cast away your worries
And give yourself to love.
Your innermost of secrets
Confess to no one’s ear,
For the world always sneers
And is slanderous to judge.
True bliss is like a castle
With bridge made out of glass,
Of thousands who go crossing,
Two or three arrive at last.

And see how pretty the moon is…
And lay your head on my heart…
Laugh now…
For our chagrin shall pass away,
And a kiss will soon allay
The despair on my part.
I know your eyes are full of sadness…
Are some misgivings in your voice…
And if you leave me to die,
You’ll surely suffer and cry
When by the silk
Of your shawl you bid me
A last goodbye.

True bliss is like a castle
With a bridge made out of glass,
Go walking down it softly
If you wish to safely pass.
A soul beyond compare
I placed within your hands,
A soul, alas, your own soul
Could never understand,
And in the sky’s oblivion
You’ll set it for its pains
On fire, in a ball of flame
Just like a paper lamp.
True bliss is like a castle
With a bridge made out of glass,
My sweetheart goes across it,
Help her make her way at last.

Tu íntimo secreto (1945)

Music: Graciano Gómez
Lyrics: Héctor Marcó

La dicha es un castillo
con un puente de cristal,
camina suavemente
si lo quieres alcanzar.
Acércame tus labios
sin odio, sin rencor,
desecha tus temores
y entrégate al amor.
Tu íntimo secreto
a nadie le confíes,
que el mundo siempre ríe
y es muy calumniador.
La dicha es un castillo
con un puente de cristal,
de mil que lo cruzamos,
dos o tres suelen llegar.

mira que hermosa está la luna,
reclínate en mi corazón
que nuestro enojo pasará
y un beso colmará
mi desesperación.
se que tus ojos están tristes,
remordimientos en tu voz,
y si me dejas morir
comenzarás a sufrir
cuando la seda
de tu pañuelo
me diga adiós.

La dicha es un castillo
con un puente de cristal,
camina suavemente
si lo quieres alcanzar.
Un alma incomparable
te di para querer,
un alma, ¡oh!, que tu alma
no sabe comprender,
y en un cielo de olvido,
lo harás por esta pena,
quemar, como se quema
un globo de papel.
La dicha es un castillo
con un puente de cristal,
por él va mi cariño,
acompáñalo a llegar.
